Our card front image area is 14 x 14 cm when printed full bleed. As a rough guideline for the best reproduction, your file should be ideally no larger than A4 and no smaller than 14 cm2 ; we can accept maximum A3 size but there isn’t much point to this larger size in relationship to our final print dimension.
Your digital file may be submitted in these formats : PDF, Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop or as a TIFF / JPEG – Convert all images to CMYK and save at 300dpi in a square format no smaller than 14 cm square.
Please be aware that if you submit a square image, 5mm around the perimeter will be cropped off during processing, meaning those perimeter details around your original image will not be printed in the reproduction. If you do not want to lose any details, you’ll have to compensate by adding 5mm around the image when you send in your print-ready file, or we can do this for a nominal cropping charge provided you can send us your original uncropped image also. Alternatively, you can request to have your whole image printed with a white boarder.
If your image is not a square, then we will simply drop your image onto our square card, leaving a white boarder relative to your image shape. With this layout, the final print can be distinctively interesting. Alternatively we can crop your image to a square for a nominal cropping charge.
We can provide print quality scan for up to A3 size, for anything bigger like a canvas, you can take a photograph and send us the file. We’ve had lots of success reproducing art from photographs. The best reproduction comes from taking the photograph in bright even light (not direct sunlight) with the camera set to best quality centred to the art. If you need any advise on photographing art please contact art-cards